Monday, August 07, 2006

What if...?

I’ve just returned from my trip to Amsterdam, it was great. I had a good time, met really nice people and ate like a pig, from Argentinean cuts to Dutch pancakes, mhhh… good.

As I was coming from Liverpool to Manchester, I was thinking about my “to do list”. They were two things that had top priority and needed to be done as soon as possible. So, I decided to go to school after I’d dropped my baggage at home. I did what I had to do, and decided to get some work done. After three hours of hard work in front of my computer, I typed I wrong command and erased all the work I did today and the work I did last week.

That’s when I wonder, What if I have stayed home and just have been a proper bum?

1 comment:

Victor said...

Crappy decisions like going to work just after returning from a trip always come back to haunt you. Geek...