Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Panic Attack!!!!!

I just had to write this. I hate doing presentations. There was a time back in my early years where doing a presentation was a piece of cake. All you had to do is read a little more than usual for the subject. Explain it to a bunch of kids who were more interested on what was up their noses than what you had to say. As I grew up and developing that professional skill –if you want to put it that way- became important, my sudden confidence of what I wanted to transmit had been weaken. Now it was necessary to defend a posture, an idea or your work to a group of “connaisseurs” or “future boss” or “future clients” or so many ors. I could not rely any more on books to give me all the answers. I actually had to understand and get the main idea transmitted the right way; people were actually listening to what I had to say.

Today, I was to give a seminar on the research I’m doing for my PhD. Amongst the attendees are several experts in their field that do this for a living. They actually know what I am talking about. I had prepared my presentation since Sunday. Each time I would think about the presentation a Panic Attack will take all the will out of me. A colleague of mine would have to tell me and convince me to breathe again. Everyone was trying to help me out, to restore my confidence by saying: “Oh don’t worry you’ll be fine” or “It’s just practice its no big deal”.

It never occurred to me to check the date of the presentation. Now, I have a Valentin’s debt to pay, because I was too worried and some guy took advantage of my situation to make a bet on it. So I lost. I’m actually breathing normally again. We had a good laugh. I suppose at this time next Wednesday I’ll be doing my presentation. I have one more week to get my Panic attack worked up again.

By the way, I hate Valentine’s and now I have to take someone out… Lesson for me keep your cool at all time. Never make decisions when you are not thinking properly.


Anonymous said...

Creo que la confianza llega por si sola cuando asumes que tu, al igual que ellos, haces esto para vivir. No tengo la menor duda que conoces bien el tema, ahora solo respira profundo y habla con naturalidad, como cuando tienes muchas ganas de platicarle algo a un amigo, creo que en cierta medida la confianza al hacer una presentación se deriva de un auténtico interés por transformar lo técnicamente complicado (que te ha llevado unos buenos años de tu vida) en algo mucho más simple que cualquiera pueda entender. Disfrútalo! :)

Sobre el 14 de Feb., me abstengo de opinar y te compadezco .. jiji! a mi tampoco me gusta.

Anonymous said...

Estoy aburridaaaaa!!!!
Te importa hospedar en tu blog mi monólogo vespertino? :D

De esas veces que quieres tirarte en el pasto a platicar, ya sabes; no prisa, no preocupaciones. Como cuando chicos, nuestra más grande obligación era tender la cama .. (y hasta de eso nos quejábamos).

Recuerdo que cuando comencé a trabajar sentía temor de hablar con otras personas, no creas que en persona jeje ... bueno hubiera sido. Por teléfono!
Creo que tengo un trauma con los teléfonos, me angustia hablar con desconocidos. Claro, ahora las cosas han cambiado pues de ello depende que coma, aún así, creo que mi trauma persiste y no me da pena reconocerlo. Lo que realmente le ayuda a uno son unas buenas clases de actuación, si me permites recomendarte algo! haz de cuenta que fueras Julieta y miraras desde el balcón a tu Romeo. O que te parece Rocky Balboa a punto de pelear contra Ivan Draco ... no verdad? hey! lo tengo. Bridget Jones vestida para una fiesta de disfraces!
ja ja ja ... no pasa nada, todo esta en la mente (eso es lo que yo me repito una y otra vez) ... y en verdad no pasa nada. Después te dejas de preocupar por ello, dices lo que tienes que decir, la gente te cree ... y hasta te pagan por ello.

En fin, la vida es un misterio, como el misterio que rodea a las tortas de tamal ... a quien demonios se le pudo ocurrir tan deliciosa aberración!
.. como dijera Jaime Mausan, uno de los grandes misterios del siglo XXI :)

y yo por lo pronto me despido con ello, el misterio de la vida y las guajolotas :P

suerte en tu presentación!!!!!

PD. haber cuando comentas algo en mi photoblog! >:]

The Kyles said...

Hey cousin, I had a dream about you last night! it was kinnda fun we where in Nogales... and celebrating Valentine's hahaha cause apparently my hubby was out of town! I hope you have a great day. And I hope your presentations goes well next week, I'm pretty sure you will do a GREAT job!! I love you!!

Anonymous said...

y siempre como te fue??? ;-)