Monday, January 21, 2008

New Year Resolutions

A new Year has began with 21 days already elapsed. In México, like in Spain, we receive the new year eating 12 grapes which represent the 12 months of the year and eating them as fast as you can with every bell ring of the incoming year. Each grapes is a resolution for the new year and you end up having at least 12 different categories of them.

This year they forgot the grapes and they found them at the last minutes. They only one lefts were these very massive, oversized, can not fit on your mouth with seeds bigger than raisins. It was difficult to think of your new year resolution while trying to swallow them all. So one of the resolution was not to choke on one of them which made it quite good because when the last of the grapes was in your tummy you had already done one of your new year resolution.

This year I made only two new year resolutions -apart from not choking with one of the grapes. The first one is that I will run the Great Manchester Run. This involves running a distance of 10 k. The Second is finishing my PhD. Both imply several things : I would have to be more organized, disciplined, dedicated, concentrated, work harder and sacrifice some of m y free time. This will mean if I get to next 2009 without going all wakko, I would have become a very organized, boring with no social life at all, thin person, focused person. In other words, practically an adult… which really stinks.

Furthermore, to prepare for the incoming year I read the forecast of my life e.i. my horoscope. It seems I will be single for the whole of 2008 which comes to no surprise to me and any one who knows me. Ohhh well… Today I started my training (14 minutes continues running).


The Kyles said...

Hey Primaaaaaaaaa!

Hey I missed on the grapes this year!!! I must admit it is sad to have combined traditions, I like mine better! hahaha I'm glad to find your blog... Hey I want to come visit you!!! and you can meet your new cousin! I love you tons! We should really try and keep in touch better than we have for the last few years, you and your sisters are MY sisters as well and I miss you guys... hey I just have a new "new years resolution" to constantly talk to you, maybe this blog thing will help. LOVE YAAAAA!

Anonymous said...

hola nalleli!!!!
haha ,, siglos en ver tu nuevo mensaje!!

Creo que cualquier cosa que te propongas la llevarás a buen término, depende de cuanta pasión le imprimas al asunto, desde aquí mis mejores deseos como siempre, todo va a terminar bien, ya verás!!

Te mando un abrazo muy fuerte y me encantó eso del horóscopo jeje ... no creo que sea un avance, pero la idea es muy original, deberías escribir mucho más, lo haces muy bien. Y no es cumplido, es la verdad.

me despido, cuidate mucho!!! y animo, estas en la recta final! :D
un abrazo