Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Cooking Mexican Food.

We are at the end of the month, my sponsors have not yet deposited my monthly allowance, I have 1 pound in my pocket and I owe 10 pounds. Fortunately, I brought canned food from Mexico, unfortunately, my knowledge of mexican cuisine is practically non-existent. I decided to prepare this Mexican dish that consists of a corn tortilla filled with a vegetable stew (similar to a wrap but deep fried). I had the canned vegetables, the cheese needed to be shredded (that is easy), to make the corn tortillas I just needed to add water to the corn flour and make the dough. How complicated could it get?

After two hours of cooking, the final result is: 10 empanadas (wraps), a stomach ache (tend to eat what I am cooking while I am cooking it) and a pile of dirty dishes. Ohh… well if someone wants to try my “empanadas’ there are plenty left. Bon apetite!!!

1 comment:

Victor said...

" I owe 10 pound to the same guy.."

Damn right! Pay up or I'll bust your knee caps.

Oh, and gimme one of those empanadas pls.