Several good and bad things have happened since March started. One of course is that my First Year VIVA took place last Friday. It went as expected, lousy. There was a point I thought I would be returning home in April.
Back in Mexico, other great things are happening. My very best friend from my uni is getting married. After the third try he finally convinced a girl to tie the nought. I wish him the very best. Also, the small research group I was part of, PDPA, is celebrating this coming Friday there 15th Anniversary. So, they are having this great big party with all ex and current students. It would have been cool to be there with all my friends and remember old times.
Finally, the best is reserved for last; my sister is coming to visit. At this very moment she is already in Barcelona with one of her friends; but on Saturday approximately at 16:00 hours at Paris Orly airport I would be hugging her for the first time this year. We will be in Paris for four days, then travelling back to Manchester and before she heads back to Mexico, we will be visiting London.
If all goes well, by the end of this month I would get cash back from my mobile company. This means that my bank account will not be in red number, after all that travelling, hehehe.