Wednesday, June 28, 2006


I find it strange sometimes, how things that have no relation with each other can have some similarity in the eyes of certain observers. Let me know what u think of the following comparison.

So what do you think, is there any resemblance or I'm just seeing things that are not there. Gooosh hope not.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Cat's thoughts. Part I.

Have you ever wondered how others perceive us; I, usually, imagine creeping up to well acquainted friends and ears dropping (eavesdroping) on a conversation about me. Normally, they speak wonders of me, saying what a lovely person I am…But, I have never asked myself, how does my cat see me? I know I wasn’t a very good owner; I was quite negligent with my 2 cats and dog.

In the new kid movies, where the main characters are animals, the qualities imprinted on them are human like. What would happen if Dumbo, suddenly, decided to make a movie about humans? What would be the outcome? Would they use sarcastic humour to describe us? Would it even be a kid’s movie?

Amongst all the different curious points of view I have encountered about my race I bumped into the following nameless cat's thoughts. He has just heard a conversation of three peculiar humans.

"I merely concluded that human beings were good for nothing except for the strenuous employment of their mouths for the purpose of whiling away their time in laughter at things which are not funny and in the enjoyment of amusements which are not amusing."
"…the urge to compete and their anxiety to win are revealed flickeringly in their everyday conversation, and only a hair’s breadth separates them from the Philistines whom they spend their idle days denouncing. They are all animals from the same den. Which fact, from a feline viewpoint, is infinitely regrettable. Their only moderately redeemed feature is that their speech and conduct are less tediously uninventive than those of less subtle creatures.
As I thus summed up the nature of the human race, I suddenly felt the conversation of these specimens to be intolerably boring; …

Hopefully, other not feline species have a better concept of the human race, though I doubt it.